International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 65-70
The emergence of Sufism in the North Caucasus
Shotursunov Kamol Abdugapparovich

In the article, the author tries to learn about the emergence of Islam in the North Caucasus and the emergence of Sufism in the Caucasus. The emergence of Islam in the North Caucasus is associated with the Arab campaigns of conquest, during which a new socio-cultural reality was formed, representing a symbiosis of local ethnocultural values ??and values ??of the Arab-Muslim culture. Proceeding from the fact that this symbiosis of local ethnocultural values ??and Muslim religious and philosophical ideas introduced by the Arabs constitutes an important, but currently little studied part of the study of Sufism, the problem of studying this issue is scientifically relevant and socially significant. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the emergence of Sufism in the North Caucasus; the establishment of historical and political preconditions for the penetration of Sufi ideology into Dagestan, which was one of the first places for the spread of Sufism in the North Caucasus; considering the connection between the North Caucasian muridism and tariqah, identifying their points of contact and differences.