International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 1-17
The Rakhito Writes History, Great Britain's Campaign against Rosetta in 1807, in Light of British Archives Documents
Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish

This paper provides a review of the Rakhito Writes History, Great Britain's Campaign against Rosetta in 1807 in Light of British Archives Documents, which was published in October 2020. This book, which bears the name of Rakhito, which is the name that the inhabitants of Rosetta took over since the Pharaonic era. The Egyptian people, and the book highlights the preference of the people of Rosetta in repelling the invasion and defeating the British army.This book is an addition to the Arab Library, as it refutes the historical events of the British campaign from both the Arab and British viewpoints, and although the Arab point of view is marred by some ambiguity or lack of truth, the British point of view carries a truth proven by historical documents that cannot be discussed. And the reports of the enemy, who had no choice but to admit their utter failure and defeat, which wished the honor of the British Empire by the recognition of the leaders themselves, proved the failure of planning, lack of experience and vanity.