International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 94-95
Semantic relations of phraseological units in French: ambiguity and homonymy
Farhodova Maftuna Qudrat qizi

Phraseological units are large language units that are made up of a combination of at least two spiritual language units. Accordingly, the plan of expression of phraseological units refers to the lexical units that make it up. The meaning of a lexeme is usually embodied as the sum of the meanings specific to the linguistic units that make it up. The whole is understood in terms of the meaning of the parts. However, in phraseological units, the meaning is not the sum of the meanings of the lexical units in it, but is expressed on the basis of their figurative or superlative meanings.