International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 12-17
Contextualized Mnemonics Instruction Strategy: Enhancing the Processing Skills of Pupils in Teaching Science
Gregorio A. Estioco

In This study, the researcher investigated the engagement levels in the classroom of students with a specific interest in the importance and effectiveness of contextualized mnemonics in learning Science. This study used an experimental research design. A sample of 100 Grade 6 pupils chosen purposively was divided equally into two for the experimental and control group. A researcher-made test assessment was created for the pre-test and post-test which undergone validity and reliability test before the actual implementation of the experiment. With the use of Microsoft Excel, the result of the experiment was analyzed and interpreted. The study found that the experiment showed promising results. The use of contextualized mnemonics as a strategy in teaching science works. In conclusion, this strategy can be a useful tool in teaching Science subjects. Based on the findings, it is therefore recommended that seminars, training, and workshops with a particular focus on contextualized mnemonics instruction strategies should be conducted to retool teachers and help learners improve their processing skills.