International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 18-23
Analysis On The Animated Video "Diva The Series" And Its Usefulness In Cultivating Social Values Of Grade V Students At Public Elementary School at Kencong 01 Jember
Khofifah Indar Parawangsa, Yayuk Mardiati, Chumi Zahroul Fitriyah

Social values ??are interactions used when making social relations with individuals or groups which lead to the sense of respecting one another. The social values ??in the animated video are expected to shape students' personalities and also social relations with friends, family, and the environment because later students not only master the scientific field, but also have good social relations in the community so that social values exist. This study aimed to analyze the video animation titled "Diva The Series" and its usefulness in cultivating social values ??for fifth grade students of Public Elementary School at Kencong 01 Jember. This is a descriptive research. The research design used was qualitative or content analysis. The data in this study were writings, paragraphs, sentences, attitudes and behavior of the characters in the animated video of "Diva The Series" containing social values. The data of this study were obtained from the animation channel "Diva The Series" on media, among others: eps 10 "Temanku Sakit (My Friend is Sick)", eps 28 "Ayo Kita Berbagi (Let's Share)", eps 104 "Teman Baru (New Friends) (Anak Medan)", eps 238 "MUSIM DEMAM BERDARAH (DENGUE FEVER SEASON)", and eps 256 "LOMBA TARI DI SEKOLAH (DANCE COMPETITION IN SCHOOL)". The results of the study indicated that there are social values ??which included the social values ??of caring, empathy, tolerance and cooperation; the social values ??that most frequenly appear were social value of caring for 4 times and the social values ??of empathy for 3 times. These social values ??can be applied to children from an early age. Based on the research result it can be concluded that through the cultivation of social values colaborated in classroom learning in order to form better student character is an alternative of learning that has been written in the form of lesson plan