International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 41-44
The Utopia in the Regenerative Poem According To the Theory of Critical Analysis and Upgrading.
Saad A . Al - Saadi , Iraq

When we call the epithet of regenerative poetry, we do not mean the linguistic transformations in systems and descriptions in contemporary poetry only, but rather we mean the revival of a new spirit in it, with an artistic idea that added to the poem a special flavor, especially the prose poem that dominated the scene widely, and became brimming with various colors of data intellectual. In this research, we address the subject of utopia in the regenerative poem in a comparative brief form that refers to a group of poets through poetic models from which the utopia approach emerged as a new poetic purpose, with what utopia means as a dream in an earthly paradise, in which man is happy away from injustice, anxiety and tragedy in the hope of achieving justice. This dream came in the form of poems through which the poet inhaled some freedom, or perhaps he described an illusory happiness.