International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 7-13
Implementation of Network Monitoring using Mobile Push Notification Systems
E Handoyo, FR Adhipratama, M Somantri, Susatyo Handoko, Karnoto, Tejo Sukmadi, Sukiswo, Sudjadi

The industrial era 4.0 brings significant changes to people's digital habits. Industry 4.0 changes the paradigm of the Internet of People to become the Internet of Things. The change in the paradigm of the Internet of People to become the Internet of Things also affects communication and data network systems. Network management takes care of maintenance and development. In monitoring network performance using Zabbix servers. The data transmission protocols used are SNMP and ICMP protocols. Data sent by intermediary devices using SNMP and ICMP protocols will be stored on Zabbix servers. Zabbix servers are used as a platform for storing data in the form of hosts, traffic, logs, interconnection between interfaces, and so on. If the Zabbix server detects a broken port connection and high traffic, then the alert notification will be sent to telegram. With this system, network engineers can monitor network topology conditions in real-time and remotely.