International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 36-43
Pasraman Budaya At Dalung Tourism Vocational School
Ni Wayan Sri Prabawati Kusuma Dewi

Dalung Tourism Vocational High School (SMK) is a school that prepares students to be skilled in the tourism industry. However, the learning provided is not only related to the skills of tourism guides, but also teaches practical culture consistently to students. This is clearly stated in the school's vision and mission which seeks to create superior human resources in the field of tourism guides and culture. Skills in the field of culture greatly support the productivity of graduates when they enter the workforce. Tourism is very close to culture, so those who are proficient in the field of culture will automatically be able to become good as tourism guide. The cultural material provided relates to practical matters in Bali regarding Hindu traditions and culture such as mejejahitan for female students and ngulat klakat, nglawar and the like for male students. After graduation, students are expected to be able to become qualified in the tourism vocational and still preserve the culture where they come from.