International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 148-157
A Review on COVID-19 the Outbreak of Current Situation and Burden in Ethiopia
Yirdaw Kassahun Ayehu, Bizuayehu Hailu Gember, Meaza Bezabih Asfaw

Immediately as soon as the 1st confirmed case of this pandemic Viruses in Ethiopia happen on 13 March 2020 the govt. took several public health measures to Public health measures one among the prevention ways of the transmission of the virus that should be continued and efforts to prevent transmission throughout the country levels. Directly or indirectly, no country might escape from the spread of the Nobel pandemic still in the world. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread quickly across the world and devastating burden on the world economy in addition because of the regional and societies' socio-economic materials and also the means of life for vast populations at risk. The burden of this pandemic has affected different socio-economic and political aspects of the peoples and government of Ethiopia. To manage this pandemic malady transmission in Ethiopia we want to encourage inhabitants to apply health care service, wash hands, physical distance, and extra use of protecting instrumentality to figure their jobs at safely and getting ready national guidelines to harmless operating environment and usage transportation. Absolutely to confrontation the spreads of Covid-19 we can follow the principle of protective measurements of WHO guidelines.