International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 45-48
Smart Irrigation System using IOT
Mahdi Elsadig Mahdi

- There are many problems associated with the waste of huge amount of water using the wrong techniques of plants irrigation, by giving the plants too much water or the lack of observation and monitoring, which kills the plants. These problems forced the researchers and interested people in this field to develop new techniques, to discover solutions for this problems using Internet of Things. In this research, we will develop a system to monitor and fulfill the plants' exact need of water. This research significance came with the solution to the waste of huge amount of water. In addition, to improve the irrigation harvesting result. Smart irrigation contend soil moisture to measure the moisture level , the water pump works to pump the water to the plants, and the Wi-Fi model to send and retrieve the data from the server to be displayed in the mobile application.