International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 32-35
Determination Of Informative Parameters In The Diagnosis On The Basis Of Biologically Active Points
Gafarov Gadir

Biologically active points as a method of non-traditional medical procedures and diagnostics, as well as being used for therapeutic purposes. Although this method has become the subject of mass research, a complete theory of the method has not yet been formed. The initial problem is related to the mechanism of action of biologically active points. Based on research, we can say that there are two approaches to explaining the mechanism of action. One is based on Chinese philosophy and the other on Western thought. One of the unexplored areas of biologically active points research is its application as a diagnostic tool. Biologically active points is widely used by thousands of doctors in the United States to treat a variety of ailments. In clinical and basic scientific research, significant evidence has accumulated that biologically active points is measurable and reproducible in terms of various physiological processes. In addition to the therapeutic effect of biologically active points, several properties have also been described. A few years ago, Voll, Nakatani, and Niboyet emphasized that biologically active points points have electrical properties. These independent studies suggest the existence of unique electrical properties in the areas of the skin where biologically active points are located. However, due to technical and methodological problems, it was not in the interest of the scientific community, and as a result of solving the problem mentioned in recent history, interest in research in this field has increased. The fundamental basis of the application of diagnostics by Full, Nakatani, and Niboyet has been explained experimentally. However, there are few studies involving biologically active points in the collection of diagnostic information. The article considers the determination of electrical quantities used as an informative parameter for the diagnosis of biologically active points.