International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 92-99
Review: The Competitive Advantage In Light Of The Modern Manufacturing Environment
Riyadh Y. Alsada and Dr. Yathish Kumar

Competition has become the language of the modern era, the focus of everyone's attention, being the catalyst that controls everyone's steps. It motivates them to work for more creativity, innovation, and giving, achieve a degree or other competitive advantage, excel and excel over their competitors, and complete the highest level of return or profitability. The current study sheds light on the concept and importance of competitive advantage in light of the modern manufacturing environment by providing an extensive review of the concepts, strategies, types, and measures of competitive advantage and the factors that affect the creation of this competitive advantage. This study found that the only way for industrial sectors to achieve their goal is to adopt "competitive strategies" that enable them to distinguish between differences in meeting the needs and desires of customers, which leads to encouraging customers to pay a premium that helps improve the performance of companies.