International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2021 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 6-28
Growth Mindset in Relation to the Knowledge and Attitude of Medical Students on Entrepreneurship: Basis for a Proposed Medical Entrepreneurship Program
Christine Marie C. Bucad, MD, FPOGS, DPAAB, MDM, PhD

This study determined the relationship between the growth mindset and the knowledge and attitude of medical students on entrepreneurship using descriptive, comparative, and correlational methods of research. It employed purposive census sampling technique in selecting 426 medical students who answered a researcher-made questionnaire. The study used frequency, percentage, weighted mean, mean, standard deviation, chi-square test, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation as statistical tools. The results showed that majority of the medical students were between 19 and 36 years old; mostly female (56.3%); and had no business experience (58.5%). Most of the businesses they had were non-health related (72.3%). The respondents had strong growth mindset in terms of Intelligence and Personal Qualities with average weighted mean (WM) scores of 3.69 and 3.64 respectively. They had adequate knowledge on entrepreneurship in terms of Opportunities and Innovation, Financial and Economic Literacy, and Planning with average WM scores of 3.22, 3.00, and 3.11 respectively. They had very adequate knowledge in terms of Management with an average WM score of 3.34. They had very positive attitude on entrepreneurship both on Affective and Behavioral components with average WM scores of 3.48 and 3.49 respectively. In general, they had very positive attitude on entrepreneurship (WM=3.48). The results also showed that age and business experience were associated with growth mindset; sex and business experience were associated with knowledge on entrepreneurship; and business experience was associated with attitude on entrepreneurship. Significant relationships were found between growth mindset and knowledge on entrepreneurship; growth mindset and attitude on entrepreneurship; and knowledge and attitude on entrepreneurship. Significant difference in growth mindset on entrepreneurship was revealed when the respondents were grouped according to age and business experience. They also differed in terms of knowledge on entrepreneurship when grouped according to sex and business experience, and in terms of attitude on entrepreneurship when grouped according to business experience. A medical entrepreneurship program to be incorporated in the Third-Year level to facilitate experiential learning, develop critical thinking, growth and entrepreneurial mindset, and leadership skills was proposed based on the results of the study.