International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 171-176
Overview of Climate Change Impacts on Crop Production in Developing Countries Download PDF
Petros Chavula, and Dean Gabriel Chilumpha

Agriculture and fishing are both significantly influenced by the climate. Rising temperatures and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations may enhance crop production in some areas. To receive these advantages, other conditions such as soil moisture, nutritional levels, and water availability must also be met. Changes in the frequency and severity of floods and droughts may put food safety at risk, which might cause problems for ranchers and farmers. In general, climate change may make it harder to cultivate crops, rear animals, and fish in the same places and manners as in the past. together with other dynamic factors that affect agricultural production, like modifications to farming techniques and technological advancements. The effects of climate change must also be considered. The review concludes by recommending that people in developing nations find ways to respond to climatically hazardous events, trends, or disturbances that have an impact on crop production by adapting to or reorganizing in ways that preserve their fundamental functions, identities, and structures while also preserving their capacity for adaptation, learning, and transformation.