International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 254-275
Parenting Styles and Children Behaviour among Adolescents in Kisoro Municipality, Kisoro District, Uganda. Download PDF
Ezera Tumusabe, Moses Ntirandekura (PhD Cand), Gracious Ariyo Kazaara (PhD)

The study established the effect of parenting styles on children behaviours among adolescents in Kisoro District. It was guided by objectives which were; to establish the effect of authoritarian parenting style on children behaviour among adolescents in Kisoro Municipality, to assess the effect of permissive parenting style on children behaviour among adolescents in Kisoro Municipality and to identify the effect of authoritative parenting on children behaviour among adolescents in Kisoro Municipality. The study advocated using a cross-sectional research design, which was supported by mixed methods approach. A sample size of 379 participants who were chosen using simple random and purposive sampling was used in the study. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data and Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22.0 was used to conduct the descriptive and inferential statistics during data analysis. The results showed a correlation coefficient of r=.994**, indicating a positive but statistically significant relationship between authoritarian parenting style and adolescents' behavior. The correlation findings showed that permissive parenting has a high positive significant relationship with adolescent children's behavior (.905**). Results showed that there was a statistically significant association between authoritative parenting and adolescents' behavior in Kisoro Municipality, as indicated by the Pearson correlation coefficient r of .934**. The study came to the conclusion that adolescents' behavior in Kisoro Municipality had a substantial favorable association with an authoritarian parenting style. In Kisoro Municipality, children's behavior during adolescence had a substantial favorable link with permissive parenting. According to the study findings, authoritative parenting and adolescent behaviour in Kisoro Municipality have a significant relationship. The study recommended that parents in Kisoro Municipality should encourage their children to talk about their feelings and problems, explain their expectations to their children, and consider their children's preferences. They should practice authoritative parenting style alongside other strategies in order to promote positive parenting of children. The study recommended that the stakeholders should work towards mitigating the negative effects of permissive parenting style taking it in mind that permissive parenting style makes children do what they are not supposed to do due to too much freedom. The study also recommended that parents should always urge their children to attend church, learn Christian values from religious authorities and take those authorities' opinions into consideration when making decisions. Parents shouldn't physically abuse their kids because doing so would teach them negative behavior. To stop children from committing crimes and identifying themselves with illegal behavior, there should be a decrease in physical punishment and constant parental involvement with children.