International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 37-47
Ugandan Rural Women Entrepreneurs' Business Acumen: Fulfilling Women Entrepreneurial Ambitions in a Dynamic Business Environment. A case of Kagarama Cell, Rugarama Parish, Maziba Subcounty, Kabale District, Uganda. Download PDF
Caroline Masiko Murezi, Alex Akankwasa, Jolly Kakkayi Nyesigire

The purpose of this study was to investigate how rural Ugandan women entrepreneurs fulfill their business ambitions in pursuit of starting and expanding their enterprises. The study captured the case of one woman's story to entrepreneurship in the remote Kabale area. To investigate several social and economic facets of rural Ugandan women entrepreneurs, a qualitative approach was used. The findings indicated that rural women entrepreneurs in Kabale District, Maziba Subcounty, Rugarama Parish, Kagarama Cell face four major connected challenges and two major opportunities. This study is one of the few studies in response to calls for greater research on rural women entrepreneurs, especially in developing nations, and for demonstrating the significance of context in influencing individual womenentrepreneurial choices. The case provided a deeper knowledge of rural women entrepreneurs and laid the groundwork for future study on rural development, entrepreneurship contextualization, and rural women empowerment. women business owners in Kagarama Cell.