International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 62-72
Reflection on Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture: Sub-Sahara Africa Download PDF
Sharon Indasi Lubembe, Benson Turyasingura,, & Petros Chavula,

Africa is being faced with issues of food security among others which is making it difficult when the future, vision 2030 is being thought of. As far as the African economy is concerned, fish production-both capture and aquaculture-are contributors, although due to the effects of climate change, the sectors are highly affected, hence increased issues of food security. This study therefore discusses the effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture, mitigation measures, and adaptation strategies in Africa according to the different available literatures reviewed. Different effects of climate change include rising sea level, rising water temperatures, rising water salinity, ocean acidification, changes in precipitation patterns, disease, and algal blooms. Some of the mitigation measures being restoration of mangroves at the coastal regions, corals, advocating for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. On adaptation, both the fish and the fishing community have shown different adaptations. For instance, fish have shown migration habits to safe places as fishers have changed their fishing gears, increased fishing effort, and targeted different new species. However, some adaptations by the fisher community have been seen to be very harmful, hence not promising for the sustainability of the fishery. The study thus recommends that the fishing community be made aware of the importance of diversification in terms of their well-being and as a way to reduce food security, as well as the participation of resource beneficiaries in making policies that are in line with adaptation to the effects of climate change and flexibility of the fishery for sustainability.