International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 89-95
Influence of Employee Training on the Organization's Performance in Kabale District, a case of Kabale Regional Referral Hospital Download PDF
Alex Akankwasa and Teddy Akakikunda

The research study examined how staff training affected the effectiveness of the organization in the Kabale District case study Kabale Regional Referral Hospital. The following goals served as the foundation for this research study: to determine the extent to which quality control as a result of staff training contributes to organizational performance in Kabale Regional Referral Hospital; to ascertain whether motivation as a result of staff training contributes to organizational performance; and to determine whether efficiency/effectiveness as a result of staff training contributes to organizational performance in Kabale Regional Referral Hospital. A descriptive research design was employed throughout the study, and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in the data collection process. Questions and interviews were two of the instruments used. The research study found a strong link between organizational success and staff training. The study goes on to suggest that Kabale Regional Referral Hospital's management provide its staff with the training and education they require in order for them to perform their jobs more effectively, provide excellent client care, deliver excellent services that clients need, increase job satisfaction, and decrease labor turnover and its related issues.