International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 51-67
Determinants of Prostitution among Young Girls Aged 15 to 25 in the NDESHA Health Zone (Central Kasai/DRC) Download PDF

: This study focuses on the determinants of prostitution among young girls aged 15 to 25 in the NDESHA health zone, in Central Kasai, in the town of KANANGA. The data for this study were collected in the NDESHA health zone, using prospective and statistical methods as well as two techniques: documentary and free interview based on a questionnaire designed for this purpose. A total of 422 girls aged 15 to 25 years in the NDESHA health zone were included in this study. The data collected was carefully analyzed and the conclusion was that : Our results show that 56% of our respondents prostitute themselves to find a solution to their needs, 41% who manage and 3% find a solution with their friends' help. The factors of prostitution identified are: Poverty (63%), Bad company (17%), Death of parents (9%), Technology (7%), War (4%), The most common age of these prostitutes is: 15 years (25%), 17 years (15%), 16 years (10%), The consequences identified in our study are STDs and STIs (32.1%), unwanted pregnancies (25.5%), induced abortions (22.3%), dropping out of school (13.7%) and early marriage (6.3%). It should be noted that this scientific work was carried out through a cross-sectional descriptive observational study that covered a three-stage probability sampling (Multistage Survey). At the first level (in the health zone): the following steps were followed: Number all the health areas in the zone on pieces of paper and put them in a small basket; Randomly select 2 health areas. At the second stage (in each health area selected): the avenues were selected by simple random draw. At the third stage: to elaborate the parcel surveys of all the households of the targeted avenues, to generate the step by dividing the number of households of the targeted avenues by the number of households to be surveyed of which 422 households living in the NDESHA health area concerned, including one girl per household. After analyzing the data, the research indicates that 56% of the girls in the NDESHA area are involved in prostitution. Thus, the research demonstrates the importance of providing strong information to young girls on the risks of prostitution in order to contribute to the reduction of this problem which constitutes a scourge in our contemporary society.