International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 54-62
Sources of the Imagery in the Diwan of Nar AL-Mahadi / Muhammad AL-Mahdi Al-Majzoub Download PDF
Dr. Al-nazeer Basheer Ahmed Edrees

The importance of the research is that it intended the study of the imaginary its status, concept, subjects, methods, types and elements in the poetry of Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majzoub. The research dealt with the imaginary of a poet who possesses a high symbolic and expressive energy and a superior ability to manifest through the weaving of his images. The research aims to present the opinions of critics in the poetry of Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majzoub and the statement of the points of agreement and disagreement, and to study deeply his poetry, extract imaginary through his diwan1, examine it literarily, clarify the manifestations of beauty in it, and try to reveal the relationship between the imaginary, the language of poetry, the music of poetry, imaginary and poetic imagination as well as clarification of the manifestations of beauty in it. The problem of the research is that it examined some aspects that neither critics nor researchers have addressed before in the poetry of Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majzoub, which is the subject of the imaginary in his poetry. This study means also explored derivation of new and innovative images in the poetry of Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majzoub and study it literarily to know the places of beauty. The research addresses the issue of the concept of imaginary in the ancient and modern. The study is consistent with the book of Muhammad Othman al-Haj Kanna on the subject and objectives. The research used the descriptive and analytical method. The research reached several findings; including ensuring that Sudanese poetry is a fertile field for all kinds of literary and critical studies, in addition to that Majzoub's interest in artistic imagine in his critical opinions and poems. The research recommends the need to pay attention to these literary productions of the previous generation of Sudanese politically and intellectually and to provide the Sudanese library with these literary productions.