International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 119-121
The Existence Of Nyumbang Culture As Teaching Materials The Theme Of The Beautiful Diversity In My Country Class Iv At Sdn Pancakarya 01 Jember Download PDF
Sela Nengsi Anggraini, Chumi Zahroul Fitriyah, Zetti Finali

This study aims to determine the form of donating culture in the village of Pancakarya, Ajung sub-district, Jember Regency and to find out the use of donating culture as teaching material for class IV SD. This research uses qualitative research and this type of research uses narrative research. The subject of this research is the Pancakarya village community. The data analysis technique proposed by Spradley in 1980 included 4 stages of analysis, namely: 1) domain analysis, 2) taxonomic analysis, 3) component analysis, 4) cultural theme analysis. The results obtained by this donating culture are very influential in fulfilling the needs of the host because the form of goods brought is such as staples and money that will be given to relatives and neighbors who are having a celebration as well as improving the social welfare of the community, therefore we can draw it as teaching materials for grade IV students with the theme The Beauty of Diversity in My Country SDN Pancakarya 01 Jember. The values ??contained in the donating culture are able to strengthen ties of friendship. The advice given is that it is necessary to carry out further research so that this research can develop and need to be applied in life everywhere, that is, we must follow the traditions where we live, including the donating culture that usually occurs in Pancakarya village.