International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 172-179
Analysis of the Level of Public Trust in Personal Data Protection as an Evaluation for the Indonesian Government's to Improving Data Security Download PDF
Alda Fuadiyah Suryono, Aqil Azmi Reswara, Hadi Prayogi, Nafisa, Sabrina Falasifah, Nur Chamidah

Information technology does not only function as a medium for replying to messages and exchanging information but also makes it easy to do everything. This has been reflected by the large number of cybercrimes in Indonesia. Many new cases have emerged related to the cyber world, such as data hacking and selling personal data. Therefore, the protection of personal data is a factor that determines how public trust in the government regarding cyber security in Indonesia. In this research, we will analyze the level of public trust in the protection of personal data in Indonesia as an evaluation for the government in improving data security using the Chis-Square Test using contingency tables b × k, where this table will explain the relationship between the 2 categorical variables. Based on the results of this research, there are several evaluations that can be further examined by the government, namely increasing the effectiveness in handling data leakage cases in Indonesia, so that people have confidence in the government regarding their personal data. This is an unfavorable achievement for the government, so it is necessary to carry out an evaluation related to increasing the protection of personal data for the Indonesian public.