International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 152-159
The Effect of Product Quality on Competitiveness of Small Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMES) In South Western Uganda; Reflection on Kayonza Growers Tea Factory, In Kanungu District. Download PDF
Christopher Turyatemba, Kamugisha Nelson, Kobusigye Prudence, Moses Ntirandekura

The study focused on the Kayonza Growers Tea Factory, located in Butogota Town Council in Kanungu District, in order to assess the impact of product quality on the competitiveness of small to medium-sized firms (SMEs). The researcher focused on three distinct goals: to define the function of product quality in Kayonza Growers Tea Factory, to investigate the impact of product quality on Kayonza Growers Tea Factory's market share, and to propose the role of product quality in Kayonza Tea Factory sales. A convenience sampling method was used to choose a sample of 130 respondents for the study, which had a cross-sectional survey research design. Self-administered questionnaires were the primary techniques and equipment employed in the inquiry to collect data. Inferential and descriptive statistics were employed in the study to analyze data. The study's results demonstrate that Kayonza Growers Tea Factory's competitiveness is significantly impacted by product quality because the P-value (0.000) is less than the alpha level of significance of 0.05. R-squared is 0.256, which means that product quality, market share, and sales volume all account for 26% of the variability in small- and medium-sized businesses' competitiveness. Other factors in the error term account for 26% of the explanation, so they are left out of the model. The R2 is high because it doesn't take degrees of freedom into consideration which implies that the data is fitted nicely thus a good fit. Market share was found to have a significant positive impact with competitiveness of small scale businesses. Value addition of market share should be priotized to ensure more profits are obtained. This is because most cash crops are agricultural products thus there is need to improve on their quality.