International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 160-166
Role of Teachers in Furthering Development of Social Competence in Primary School Pupils Download PDF
ABOLUWARIN, Elizabeth Oyenike, PhD and OYEDAPO, Philip Ibukun

Both successful academic performance and social functioning are correlated with social competence. On all teacher training programs, instruction in children's social development and social skills is not a must. However, recognizing social competency abilities and elements that support its development in kids might be helpful for pre-service teachers. Children who are socially competent are better able to form bonds with their peers, and strengthening these bonds can boost social competence, which in turn improves academic performance. According to the study, both positive and bad trends in a child's social and emotional development can be predicted by their teacher interactions. Children's social skills can be predicted by their educational environment, and direct instruction can predict skills and frequently enhance social skills in areas where children may be deficient. Early interactions between teachers and students are important for the development of healthy teenagers. The development of a positive teacher-student relationship is crucial for young children. Beginning on the first day of school, teachers can establish a positive rapport with the students by, for example, smiling, warmly welcoming them, speaking in a soft voice, and assisting them in feeling at ease in social situations. The setting of the classroom is crucial for learning. It has the potential to either engage kids and reduce problem behaviors, or it has the potential to cause chaos and increase the likelihood of such behaviors. The end result of "deep-level learning" is social competence. By fostering a learning environment where students can engage in experiences addressing capacities to understand feelings in both themselves and others, teachers can help children's basic social worldviews shift as they grow. The study concluded that the social competency of the instructors is the most crucial factor in establishing a communication between teacher and administrator, between teacher and teacher, between teacher and student, between teacher and pupil's between a parent, a teacher, and the community.