International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 176-182
Islam, Science And Its Contribution To World Civilization Download PDF

In Islam, the relationship between science and religion is mutually dependent, both of which are primordially derived from one source, namely God as the creator of nature. Various scientific problems in the form of technology have resulted in various humanitarian and environmental crises, due to the neglect of various values ??other than the truth value. As a result, values ??have a polar and hierarchical nature. Polarization is an assessment that there are two opposite poles such as right-wrong, good-bad, beautiful-ugly. In fiqh, polar values ??are contradictory judgments, such as haram-obligatory, makruh-sunnah, valid-void, azimah-rukhsah and so on. Every epistemological view must be aware that the essence of everything is material, so the epistemology is materialism. As a result each of his research on what is considered an ultimate reality, namely matter. This understanding can be seen in empiricism, rationalism and positivism. Thus, the integration between science and Islam is not something separate and not something that one is above the other. The assumption that religion is higher than science is the influence of the concept of the dichotomy of science and religion. So, science as a human creation has a relative truth, while religion is a divine creation that has absolute truth. Both of them come from the God who created the universe, if they are combined, they will make a big contribution to world civilization.