International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance & Management Research (IJAAFMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 9-15
Detecting financial failure using Sherrod Model: Evidence from Iraqi Stock Exchange Listed Banks (2009 - 2015) Download PDF
Guleshan Mohsin Hamid , Shelan Mohammed Rasheed Haji, Kurdistan M. Taher Omar

Except for its significance and relevance in the performance evaluation of organizations, the research emphasizes the need of studying and analyzing the many concepts of financial distress and failure. The distress and bankruptcy of a firm is regarded as the most significant issue researched by academics and researchers in terms of the possible effects on the wealth of creditors, stockholders, and society. As a result, many academics began to hunt for a strategy to identify and forecast distress and failure in order to retain the aim of company survival and continuity before the tragedy occurs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the B-Sherrod model, which was deemed an advanced model for detecting this phenomenon, on a sample of banks from an Iraqi stock market from 2009 to 2015. The study indicated that the B-Sherrod Model for recognizing and forecasting economic difficulties should be used as a realistic tool for evaluating a company's performance. Empirical test findings demonstrated the Sherrod model's usefulness in detecting financial distress, which will assist investors and other concerned users in visualizing a company's capacity to continue operations.