International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 143-144
Vesico-ureteral reflux: antenatal diagnosis and postnatal outcome-a case report Download PDF
Dr Hind Ennasser, Pr Hafsa Taheri , Pr Hanane Saadi, Pr Ahmed Mimouni

Vesico-ureteral reflux is defined as the backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureter. It is one of the most frequent malformative uropathies. Its severity lies in its destructive potential of the renal parenchyma and repeated infections, but sometimes a spontaneous resolution can occur. Prenatal diagnosis allows to prevent complications later on by instituting antibiotic prevention. We report the case of a vesico-ureteral reflux diagnosed in the gyneco-obstetrics department of the Mohammed VI Hospital of Oujda in order to underline the importance of imaging for the diagnosis of this malformation, as well as to schedule the delivery in a specialized center for an adapted pediatric care.