International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 448-451
The Rise and fall of Persian to the Muslims of South Asia Download PDF
Abdul Rahim

Persian secured the prestigious position being a language of an elitist culture, religious knowledge, literary service, administrative interaction, voice of a poet, and linguistic tune courts in the Muslims of South Asia. Persian made as the official, literary, and source of Islamic learning language which got due significant status in the subcontinent and conquerors applied every effort substitute the languages of the conquered regions with Persian. People of the literate class learned Persian and made capable to participate the courts, religious activities, and government offices during the Muslim rule in the subcontinent. The scholarly services of the Persian scholars, jurists, writers and Sufis of the Persian descend also become the cause of the rise of the Persian in the region whereas abrupt dominating colonial rule failed Muslims to materialize a superior language for a common communication across the Muslim world. Likely, the substitution of local languages, development of literature and the rise of English as the dominating language during the colonial became the cause of the decline of the Persian in the South Asia and the language ceased and lost the prestigious in the 19th century.