International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 1-7
Reading Enhancement Advocacy in Dep Ed (R.E.A.D): Teachers' Life-Changing Task Download PDF
Sherill A. Gilbas

Reading is a skill that indirectly determines the future of a young individual while literacy is the legacy of the teacher to their learners. This study employed the qualitative research design with the use of phenomenological approach and grounded theory as a tool. It was found out that family orientation and background played a big and important role in the reading ability of the learners. It was also identified that the multilingualism of the learners affects their ability to read. It also creates their word confusion among the mother tongue, the Filipino and English languages. The non-readers may be concluded as a result of public educational system which employs policy on mass promotion and a learning scenario with a challenging ratio between a teacher and numerous students in one class. The said situation produces the non-readers in the higher grades. The intervention of the teachers proved to be effective which uses reading materials that ranges from alphabet chart, words, phrases, short paragraphs to short stories. The frequency of session ranges from two, three and the most is five hours per week. This paper recommends providing exigency of service of the academicians, to help battle the phenomenal illiteracy of learners through an extension program for a more literate society.