International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 207-213
Analysis of Patient Satisfaction Levels of BPJS Siwalankerto Public Health Center Surabaya Using the Customer Satisfaction Index Method, Importance Performance Analysis, and Kano Method Download PDF
Tria Triyanti, Ardi Kurniawan, Sediono, Toha Saifudin, Elly Ana

Health Center is a health service facility that organizes the public health industry and first-level individual health industry by prioritizing promotive and preventive efforts to achieve the highest public health degree in its working area. Patient satisfaction can be seen from various indicators, one of which is assessing the level of patient satisfaction, thereby affecting the continuity and effectiveness of the service. The Siwalankerto Health Center is one of the initial level healthcare facilities in Siwalankerto Village, Wonocolo District, Surabaya City. The Siwalankerto Health Center has several service units: general poly, dental poly, KIA-KB poly, nutrition poly, and laboratory. This study aims to analyze the satisfaction of BPJS patients with services at the Siwalankerto Health Center Surabaya using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and Kano methods. A total of 125 respondents obtained a CSI result of 84.9%, which means that BPJS patients at the Siwalankerto Health Center are delighted. Next, perform IPA and Kano analysis on the dimensions of the physical appearance of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy with 22 variables on 125 respondents. The results of the IPA analysis showed that 11 variables were in quadrant I, 6 variables were in quadrant II, 4 variables were in quadrant III and 1 variable was in quadrant IV. Meanwhile, in Kano's analysis, two variables are included in the must-be category, and other variables are in the one-dimensional category. Furthermore, the IPA-Kano integration was carried out to obtain priority strategies that must be carried out, namely improving performance on several variables, including the variable timeliness of service as promised and the doctor variable providing opportunities for patients to ask questions related to their illness.