International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 214-221
Canonical Correlation Method for Studying the Relationship between Exports and Imports in Sudan (2002- 2020) Download PDF
Hisham Hamadna Allah Abdel Fattah Jobarat Allah, Altaiyb Omer Ahmed Mohmmed

In this study, using the canonical correlation analysis to estimate the relationships between imports and exports in Sudan. For this purpose, it was designed to evaluate the relationship between two sets of imports variables: industrial and agriculture as the first set of variables (Y) and as the second set of variables (X) by using canonical correlation analysis. Estimated canonical correlations between the first and the second pair of canonical variates were significant (Chi-square calculated greater than tabulated). Canonical weights and loadings from canonical correlation analysis indicated that industrial had the largest contribution as compared with agriculture imports ant agricultures exports, number of variables represent exports and the others representing imports, which made us use the canonical correlation analysis method as a multivariate methods variables to figure out the co-linearity relationship between the variables in the two groups, so we calculate all the combinations of linear phase between the two groups and comparing this with some others, to reached greatest relationship,and has been found that there is a relationship between exports and imports for each variable in the two groups.