International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 141-147
People Customer Satisfaction Indeks Analysis On The Administration of Driving License Service Using The Integrity of Importance Performance Analysis and Kano Model at SATLANTAS POLRESTA Sidoarjo Download PDF
Yeni Rahmawati, Ardi Kurniawan, Toha Saifudin, Sediono, Suliyanto

The government as a service provider is obliged to demand the public for good and quality public services. Therefore, the government provides driving license management services through the Police Service Unit, one of which is the service at SATLANTAS Sidoarjo. So it is hoped that the police will be able to help the community to improve the quality of life, so that the community will feel satisfied, distrustful and will support what is designed in the next development plan. This study aims to analyze the satisfaction of people who manage SIM in SATLANTAS Sidoarjo using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and Kano methods. Based on filling out the questionnaire 125 respondents obtained a CSI value of 84.93%, which means that respondents are very satisfied with the driving license service at SATLANTAS Sidoarjo. Next, perform IPA and Kano analysis on the dimensions of physical appearance, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy with 22 total attributes on 125 respondents. The results of the IPA analysis show that 11 attributes are in quadrant I, 6 attributes are in quadrant II, 3 attributes are in quadrant III and 2 attributes are in quadrant IV. Meanwhile, in Kano's analysis, 4 attributes are in the must-be category, and other attributes are in the one-dimensional category. Furthermore, the IPA-Kano integration is carried out to obtain strategic priorities that must be carried out, namely improving performance on several attributes including attributes of convenience, service procedures, fulfillment of service requirements, the ability of officers to provide information in polite and easy language and the speed of employees in responding to consumer needs/complaints.