International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 103-110
The Existence of Mind in Brhad'aranyaka Upanisad Download PDF
Ni Nengah Mutiari; I Gede Suwantana; Jro Ayu Ningrat

There are two schools of thought about consciousness. First there are those who say that consciousness is an inherent function of the body. Consciousness is formed due to complex compounds in the body. When the body dies, consciousness also dies. Meanwhile, in the Upanishads it is said that consciousness is a different entity from the body. Consciousness is not a product of the body but rather an independent entity. The mind component is able to access that awareness so that the body has awareness. When a person dies, consciousness leaves him. This work descriptively narrates the thought-forming components and their functions according to the text of the Brhad'aranyaka upanisad. These components consist of buddhi, ahamkara and manah and consciousness that enters the three components is called the citta. It is through this mental component that consciousness acts on the body. Buddhi functions to think or process of cognition, ahamkara as identification and manas as a vessel for memory, feeling and controlling the senses. The Brhad'aranyaka Upanisad itself has not used the three terms of the components of the mind but explained at length about their functions so that it can be easily identified.