International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 1-16
An Introduction to Management Concepts Download PDF
Amanawa, David Ebiegberi

Management principles are systems of ideas or norms that managers use to guide their actions. It appears easy enough, but keep in mind that this is philosophical, which means there is always another layer. The extra layer relates to the meaning or reason why you would utilise such rules. This is significant because it creates a strong sense of purpose and motivation. A sound management concept offers the company direction and structure. In this management concept review, we looked at the history of management, specifically the six principles that have formed the foundation of modern management theory. We also discussed the roles and impacts of managerial span, departmentalization, line and staff authority, business leadership, and manager assessment. We are confident that a thorough comprehension of all of these principles will assist a practicing/aspiring manager in delivering his or her A-game in the administration or management of any organization.