International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 54-64
Influence of Supplier Relationship Management on Procurement Performance in Local Governments in Uganda: A Case Study of Kabale District Local Government Download PDF
Moses Ntirandekura, Akakikunda Teddy, Akankwasa Alex

The study established the influence of supplier relationship management on procurement performance in local governments in Uganda. It was guided by objectives which were to identify the techniques for supplier relationship management in Kabale District Local Government, to assess the indicators of procurement performance in Kabale District Local Governments and to analyse the relationship between supplier relationships management on procurement performance in Kabale District Local Government. The study used a cross sectional research design. A sample size of 67 respondents was used to provide data for the study. Purposive sampling was used to provide data for the study. Data collection involved the use of questionnaires, interview guide. The study established that Kabale District Local Government organized training of its suppliers to ensure better procurement performance. It was also establish from the study that suppliers turned for workshops at Kabale District whenever, there was need to procure goods. This means it is important to ensure that suppliers are developed through supplier training and provision of advisory and technical support. The study concluded therefore that supplier development had a positive effect on procurement performance in government agencies in Uganda. It was established that Kabale district pricing policy was not jointly agreed on with its suppliers. Thus, there was falsification of invoices. The study found out that Kabale district undertook supplier evaluation periodically to ensure good quality of the goods and services. The study established that the quality of supplies had increased goods in the supply chain in Kabale District Local Government. The study found out that complaints regarding absence of supplies had not fully reduced. The study found that the influence of the relationships strategies between a buyer and a seller depended on the benefits perceived by both parties which improved on performance. The study established that supplier ability to deliver quality supplies was ascertained before suppler selection and this improved on procurement performance. The leadership of local governments should introduce a policy of "supplier development". It should focus on supplier training and enrolment in seminars and workshops provide them with capital benefits to undertake their work. The leadership of local governments needs to invest much in evaluating the performance of suppliers consistently as they assess their suitability and capability before they are given contracts. The study recommended that the local governments should maintain mutual relationships with suppliers and help the suppliers on how to manage their contracts so as to achieve highest quality.