International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 1-6
Modern Methods of Coating Zinc and Chromate Shells on the Surface of Structural Materials Download PDF
Khojiev Sh.T., Saidova M.S., O'rinboyev M.J.

Most metals are corroded by air, water, acids, alkalis, and salts. This phenomenon is called corrosion. The word corrosion comes from the Latin word "corrodore" meaning decay. Corrosion is of two types in terms of its physicochemical nature: chemical and electrochemical corrosion. The type of corrosion that occurs in metals depends on the environment in which the metal is formed. Chemical corrosion occurs when metals are exposed to dry gases (oxygen, sulfite anhydride, hydrogen sulfide, halogens, carbon dioxide, etc.) and non-electrolyte liquids. This is especially common at high temperatures, so this decay is also called gas corrosion of metals. Gas corrosion is particularly damaging to metallurgy. Iron and steel products are coated with aluminum to protect them from gas corrosion. At a time when the production of modern construction materials is developing, the task of coating them with galvanic coatings in order to increase their hardness, resistance to hot and cold conditions and their chemical stability, and to create a decorative appearance has become one of the priorities.