International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 127-131
HIV / AIDS Clinical Profile and Implication for Patient Clinical Outcome in Limited Resources, Wad Medani, Sudan. Download PDF
Mohammed I. Mursal, Hani M. Abdalla, Abuagla M. Dafalla, Yousif A. Mohammed, Abdelrhman E, Abaker

Background: HIV/AIDS is a common health problem in Sudan. Disease is mostly common caused as result of sexual contact, blood transfusion, organ transplant, injection drug use, pregnancy and breast feeding. Other minor cause is contact between broken skin, wounds or mucous membrane, HIV infected blood or blood contaminated body fluid and deep open mouth kissing. Aims: The aim of this study was to study the clinical profile and outcome of HIV/AIDS patients, which includes demographic and clinical profile of HIV treated - non treated patients and prevalence of viral load among a disease at Anti-Retrovirus Ttherapy center. Materials and Methods: This was cross sectional study carried out over a period of 1 year (December 2020-December 2021). All HIV patients who attending in wad madani ART center. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS statistical software trial version 21. The P< 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Result: About 300 HIV patients were included in this study; 200 (67 %) were HIV positive without treated, and 100 (33 %) were HIV positive under treated, were assessed in ART center in Medani Teaching Hospital, with males accounting for about186(62%) and females accounting for about114(38%), Patients ranged in age from 68 to 2 years and categorized into four age group; (1-20) years 21 (7%); (21-40) years 154(51.3%); 41-60 year 112(37.3%); 61-80 years 13 (4.3%) From 50 HIV/AIDS participants, the duration/years were divided into five groups; 0-3years 21(42%); more than 12 years 12(24%); 6-9 yers10 (20%); 3-6 years 5(10%); 9-12 years 2(4%). According to WHO stage classification, HIV/AIDS patients are divided into four stages: stage one (22%); stage two (8%); stage three (56%); and stage four (7%). In this study, 24% of patients were alcoholics, while the remaining 48.6% were not, and 5% of patients were smokers, while the remaining 45.9% were nonsmokers. The majority of patients (47%) do not have any drug allergies. The marital status in this study; 116(38.7%) singles; 161(53.7%) married; 14(4.7%) separated; 2(0.7%) divorced; 7(2.3%) widows. The number of children in this study; ?3 37(37%); ?3 26(26%); none 37(37%). The education can classify into; Illiteracy 45(15%); basic 219(73%); secondary 20(6.7%); university 16(5.3%). The occupation; non employer 78(26%); employer 15(5%); house wife 51(17%); worker 135(45%); student 21(7%). The state of the patients; gezira 96(32%); Khartoum 196(65.3%); other 8(2.7%). Partner for patient married categorized into; husband 20(4%); x-husband 2(4%); wife 9(18%); x-wife 2(4%). The status for marital; 16(32) positive; 4(8%) negative, 14(28%) unknown; 16(32%) single positive and 12(24%) of partners dead; 38(76%) are still alive. The state of children in this study; 16(7.6%) positive, 35(38.5%) negative; 40(44%) unknown and 13(14%) of children in this study were dead; 78(86%) still alive. Conclusion: The findings can be used to develop, improve and inform HIV programmes in Sudan and interventions to reduce symptoms. There is significant effect of Anti-Retrovirus Therapy on stages of disease. There improvement was noted in viral load, body weight after treatment.