International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 118-128
The Internal Situation in the Ottoman Court and Britain after the Defeat of the British Army in Rosetta 1807, an Analytical Study Download PDF
Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish

Undoubtedly, the political scene and the international conflict after the English campaign on Egypt in 1807 witnessed decisive changes, especially after the denounced defeat of the British army, and the emergence of signs of inclusion and complicity between Britain and the Ottoman court represented by the Ottomans' failure to occupy Egyptian ports such as Alexandria, Rosetta and Damietta to extend military authority over them. This appealed to Muhammad Ali, who found in the defeat of the British army a reason to extend his authority over the ports, to eliminate the Mamluks, and to make efforts to ensure the stability of the rule. Many changes occurred in the Ottoman court after the battle that helped start the coups in the Ottoman palace, and caused the coup against the Ottoman Sultan Selim III, who blessed this campaign. As for Britain, the political and military features of this conflict have emerged, especially since the defeat of the British army has confused the global political situation, and has affected society, the government and the British House of Commons, in addition to the tragedies that befell King George III. This research deals with the disastrous results that affected the internal situation in the ottoman sublime Court and Britain after the defeat of the British army in rosette 1807. The Ottoman Empire by the beginning of the nineteenth century, and presents the coups against the Ottoman palace and the removal and killing of Selim III. It also presents the internal situation in Great Britain after the defeat at Rosetta (1807-1812), where the repercussions of the defeat on the British king and the impact of the defeat on the political and military scene in Britain emerged.