International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 300-305
Effects of Academic Cheating on the Performance of Grade 12 Senior High School Students Download PDF
Yuan A. Lacanlale, Maricar B. Manalaysay, Christopher DC. Francisco

This endeavor is to determine the effects of academic cheating on grade 12 HUMMS students' academic performance. To accomplish this, the researchers used a descriptive-correlational approach, combining standardized and self-made questionnaires in the process of data collection. The student's academic performance was the focus of the standardized questionnaire. Students are generally satisfied with their academic performance, according to the findings. Meanwhile, the self-created questionnaire focused on students' attitudes about academic cheating. The results showed that students engage in academic cheating to some extent. It implies that, despite weak relationship between variables, there is a positive correlation between students' academic performance and academic cheating, as evidenced by 0.3163. Simply defined, students are frightened of academic failure, which is why they are more likely to engage in cheating.