International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 62-66
Importance of School Counseling To Sri Lankan Student in 21st Century Download PDF
SMBM Arshad (MA TEST (R))

School children in this era have various complicated problems for they are greatly influenced by the development of technology and the use of the internet for social media and synchronous gaming and so on. The need for counselling for students from elementary school to secondary and high school has become inevitable. Though counselling was established in Sri Lanka in the 1960s, it has not developed as it is supposed to have as anticipated. School counselling in 21st century is vital for all level of student around the world and this research pays particular attention to the importance to Sri Lankan students and the education system as well. School counsellors in Sri Lanka deal with various areas such as academic affairs of students, career guidance, dropout prevention, personal issues of the learners, family and the support to children towards learning and schooling, family distances and quality time for kids and importantly increased child abuse and use of dangerous drugs deep rooting among schooling kids. The government authorities, state and private organizations, community development societies, school administration and parents should pay added attention on the importance of school counselling and provide brimming support and cooperation to school counsellors.