International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 68-71
Characteristics of Coaches in the Function of Achieving Sports Results Download PDF
Lazar Vulin, Ljubo Mili?evi?, Danijel Bo?i?

Tactics as an integral part of every work, even professional and scientific, has its importance, its place and need. Not a single job, especially a complex and professional one, as it is in modern sports, can be done successfully and with quite likely, good, desirable and especially positive outcomes, if it is not well thought out tactically in advance, without an attempt to foresee and tactically anticipate every possible potential obstacle or so. This is especially evident in modern sports, whether they are of an individual or collective character, whether amateur, top-level or professional. The legality is very clear - the higher the level of the sport, the greater the importance of tactics in professional work. A modern professional coach, in modern sports, is in a situation where, in addition to training their athletes in tactical and technical terms, they have to understand tactics for their sport, competition, achieving results and similar much wider and more complex than it could be done at first glance. That is why on this occasion, out of the multitude of tactical problems faced by the modern expert in sports, only one segment of that work, the expert in sports, will be discussed - how to put the coach's qualities tactically into the function of achieving sports results?