International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 31-35
Examining Budgetary Control and the Financial Performance of private organisations, Empirical Studies of MTN Uganda Kabale Centre Download PDF
Teddy Akakikunda, Akankwasa Alex, Caroline Masiko Murezi, Ntirandekura Moses, Kwesiga Gerald, Correspondence

The study was examining Budgetary Control and the financial Performance of Private organisations, in MTN Uganda Kabale. The research study was guided by these objectives; to establish the constraints to budget control in private institutions, to offer necessary suggested solutions to the problems identified, to find out the roles of budget control on the financial performance of private institutions with specific reference to MTN-Uganda. The study used explanatory research design where casual links between the variables were explained. The methods used in data collection involved questionnaire and interview guide and 90 respondents were considered during the study. The study found out that there a great relationship between Budgeting control and financial performance of Private organisations with particular reference to MTN Uganda Kabale Centre. The study recommended that; budgeting helps in enhancing efficiency and effectiveness within the organization and helps in enabling an enterprise to increase productivity which is important for enhancing financial performance and organization growth.