International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 49-57
Effect of Instructional Conversation on Students' Achievement, Retention and Attitude towards Physics Download PDF
BEBENIMIBO, Job (Ph.D), PROF. AJAJA, P. O (Ph.D), DR. IJEH, S. B. (Ph.D)

This study examined the effects of instructional conversation on students' achievement, retention, and attitude toward Senior School Physics. The theoretical framework on which the study was anchored is Vygotsky's Social Development Theory. The study employed quasi-experimental research design. This design used intact classes for both experimental and control groups. Three (3) research questions and three (3) null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. A sample size of one hundred and eight-six (186) SS II Physics Students from six (6) public secondary schools in Delta State were used. The students were taught physics utilizing instructional conversation in the experimental groups made up of nine-one (91) students, and the lecture method was utilized in teaching ninety-five (95) in the control groups. The instruments used were Physics Achievement Test (PAT) and Physics Students Attitude Questionnaire (PSAQ). The instruments were validated by three experts and the reliability co-efficient of PAT was calculated to be 0.79, while the one of PSAQ was found to be 0.73. The data collected were analyzed using Mean, Standard Deviation, and Independent t-test. The findings were that instructional conversation positively affects physics students' achievement, retention, and attitude compared to the lecture method. Conclusively, the study stated that Instructional Conversation appears as an appropriate strategy to facilitate practical learning, organize knowledge content in a meaningful way, and ensure knowledge acquired is long-lasting among physics learners.