International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 71-76
Impact of Internal Auditing on Financial performance of Micro Financial institutions in Kigezi Region empirical studies of Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation. Download PDF
Alex Akankwasa, Teddy Akakikunda, Correspondence

This study was about internal Auditing on Financial performance of Micro Financial institutions in Kigezi Region. Empirical studies of Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation. The objectives of the study were; To find out whether regular internal auditing ushers in success at Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation, to find out if internal auditing minimizes on wasteful spending and misappropriation of funds at Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation, to find out whether there is a relationship that falls in between internal auditing and success at Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation. The methodology used in the research study was descriptive and cross sectional design. There was also use of qualitative and quantitative approaches during the exercise of data collection and analysis. The study population was 189 respondents including management, employees and customers of Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation. The instruments of data collection used in the research study were focused group discussion, Questionnaire and interview. The findings from the research study portray a strong relationship between internal auditing and the financial performance of Micro Financial institutions in Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation. Internal Auditing has a big impact on financial performance of micro financial institution as to helps in minimizing misuse of funds, embezzlement of funds, improving efficient resource utilization of losses. The study recommended that; management of Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organisation should adopt a strong internal control system, ensure independence and objectivity of the auditors because these help the organization to effectively and efficiently utilize their resources hence leading to high levels of performance.