International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 107-112
The Predicted Ability of Lawsonia Interims (Henna) to Stain Histological Tissue Sections and Malaria Blood Smears Download PDF
Mudather Elnoor Younis Mohamed

The microtome sections of the tissue biopsies are colorless, making it impossible to distinguish between the various tissue components identification and the study of their morphology are made possible and straightforward by staining the specimens with various colored dyes that have an affinity for particular tissue components. in order to investigate the hypothesis that Lawsonia inermis, often known as "henna" could serve as a good source of nuclear or cytoplasm staining. Fresh leaves of the henna tree were collected, thoroughly washed under running water, dried, and subjected to grinding with the aid of a mechanical grinder to form powder, sieved, and stored in a dry container 10g of henna powder was then dissolved in 100ml of absolute alcohol to give a concentration of 100mg plant product/ml of absolute alcohol, Then to the alcohol were added 100 ml of glycerin, 100 ml of distilled water, 10 ml of glacial acetic acid, and 15g of potassium alum the addition of sodium Iodate caused the henna solution to chemically ripen, ammonia, potassium alum, and acetic acid were added to an ethanolic henna solution to increase Lawsonia inermis' affinity to acidic structure nuclei, according to the general staining principle that only basic stains do color the acidic structure nucleus, the alkalinized solution showed improved staining of the acidic nucleus, henna also stained malaria parasite weakly brown at a concentration up to 1og/100 ml, indicating that the acidic nature of henna plant was probably responsible for their staining to the basic cellular component cytoplasm. The results of this study should serve as a foundation for further investigation and research into the potential utility of natural plant products as sources of histology dyes.