International Journal of Academic and Applied Research (IJAAR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 63-72
Psychosocial Factors of Delinquent Behaviours Amongst Secondary School Students In Ibadan Download PDF
Omopo Oluwaseun Emmanuel

This summarizes a study examining the connections between media usage, parenting style, academic motivation, and delinquent behaviors among secondary school students in Ibadan. Employing a descriptive research design, the investigation involved 300 randomly selected participants and utilized statistical methods like Multiple Regression Analysis and Spearman Correlation to analyze the relationships between the variables. The results highlighted significant links between media usage, parenting style, academic motivation, and delinquent behaviors among the students. The research indicated varying levels of influence on delinquent behaviors for these factors. Collectively, the independent variables explained 83.1% of the variance in predicting delinquent behavior. Notably, media usage showed the most substantial impact, followed by academic motivation and then parenting style. Overall, the findings underscore the significance of media usage, parenting style, and academic motivation in comprehending and anticipating delinquent behaviors among secondary school students in Ibadan. In light of the research findings, several key recommendations were put forward. These include proposals to establish regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing and censoring media content and ensuring appropriate content dissemination. Additionally, another suggested body would focus on governing and supporting parental practices while safeguarding child rights. The study also advised regular psychological assessments for students to address and manage potentially harmful mental conditions that could contribute to delinquent behavior.