International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 43-47
The Possible Harms of Tobacco Use on the Reproductive System: A review Download PDF
Mudather Elnoor Younis, Alnazeer Omer Yagoup

This review aims to quantify the possible harm that tobacco use may do to one's reproductive system. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using the Google Scholar, Pub Med, Research Gate, Frontiers, and Scopus databases; studies that could be pertinent to this review were discovered. We chose studies that illustrated how smoking tobacco might affect one's ability to conceive. The use of tobacco is still prevalent in Sudan in a variety of forms, primarily as smokeless tobacco and cigarette smoking. Toombak dipping, shisha, and cigarette smoking are all patterns of tobacco utilization, as well as combined patterns. The prevalence of tobacco use among adolescents and adults is between 1-25% and 10-47.5 percent, respectively, indicating the need for intervention programs to enhance decreasing this high prevalence. Numerous studies have reported that the contents of cigarette smoke negatively affect sperm parameters, seminal plasma. However, it's unclear how smoking actually affects male fertility. Based on the well-established scientific observation that smoking increases the presence of reactive oxygen species, which in turn causes oxidative stress (OS), smoking has an effect on semen parameters. Male fertility is decreased by OS because it damages sperm characteristics like viability and morphology and inhibits sperm function. According to a meta-analysis, Sudan's pooled prevalence rates for primary, secondary, and overall infertility were 13%, 65%, and 35%, respectively. Infertility in Sudan was mostly caused by female factors. The findings also show that there are many unaccounted-for influences. In Sudan,Polycystic ovary syndrome {PCOS} and azoospermia are the most common causes of infertility in women and men, respectively.