International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 4-4
La République de Guinée à l'épreuve du contexte régional de géopolitique et de géostratégie de la course à l'énergie nucléaire/armement nucléaire : défis, stratégies et perspectives Download PDF
Mohamed Lamine KABA

In a relationship of three, each person seeks to be on good terms with the other two. This is valid for all of the relations between States. The current context of geopolitics and geostrategy in West Africa favors the arms race (Venance, 2010) The fight against terrorism and the multiplication of sources of tension in the region are destroying Franco-African cooperation, that is to say, françafrique (Tertrais, 1994) While most of the States which make up the West African area fall within France's sphere of influence which, for decades, has been shrinking at an increasingly accelerated pace, the States having slammed the door on France and its allies in the Atlantic alliance (NATO) are turning towards the Russian Federation (Paul Quilès, 2013). After centuries of cooperation based on the plunder of resources and the deterioration of the terms of trade, African states have realized for decades the lack of will of the countries of the Western Bloc, led by the United States of America to support the true development of the old continent (Drain, 2012). Which justifies the triumphant return of the Eastern bloc to the Black Continent, at its head, the Russian Federation supported by the BRICS alliance (Gamandiy-Egorov, 2022). The era we are entering will be that of social justice and social balance (Dubien, 2021). The world is now Multipolar and the Republic of Guinea must fully embrace this spirit of the Multipolarism of the world as Mali, Burkina Faso and many others have done across Africa, Asia, Latin America and elsewhere in the rest of the world (Kalika, 2019).