International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Page No.: 60-66
The Effect of Resource Based Learning Models Assisted by Microsoft Sway Media on Student Learning Outcomes in History Subjects Download PDF
Ela Ratih Pratiwi, Nurul Umamah, Sumardi

The implementation of the independent curriculum is designed to develop 4C skills in the learning process to improve students' learning abilities in studying history. Students' ability to analyze and evaluate learning is an important part of assessing learning outcomes. Based on previous research, it shows that the learning outcomes in history subjects obtained by students are not optimal and are still relatively low. Theoretical studies show that implementing innovative learning models can improve learning outcomes. In theory, one learning model that can improve student learning outcomes is the Resource Based Learning (RBL) model assisted by Microsoft Sway media. The aim of this research is to test the effect of the RBL model assisted by Microsoft Sway media on student learning outcomes in history subjects. This research uses a quantitative approach with pre-test and post-test quasi-experiments; nonequivalent group design. The data analysis technique uses the ANCOVA test. The results of the ANCOVA test show a significance result of 0.012 (0.012 < 0.05), which means there is a significant influence of the application of the RBL model assisted by Microsoft sway media on learning outcomes and the partial eta squared value shows a result of 0.094 which is classified as having a large influence on the application of the assisted RBL model Microsoft media influences student learning outcomes in history subjects. In conclusion, there is an influence of the RBL model assisted by Microsoft sway media on student learning outcomes in history subjects. The recommendation from the results of this research is that the application of the RBL model assisted by Microsoft Sway media is expected to be an alternative learning model that is relevant according to students' needs in learning history.