International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR)
  Year: 2023 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 20-29
The Impact of Broadcast Media on the Promotion of Human Rights in Uganda Acase Study of Kashenshero Sub County Mitoma District Download PDF
Asiimwe Flavia , Mr. Wamimbi Denis , Dr Ariyo Gracious Kazaara , Kobusingye prudence , Kamugisha Nelson, Friday Christopher , Kimaku Alex

The goal of broadcast media is to disseminate information that will benefit society. The aim of this study was to look into the role that broadcast media plays in the dissemination of information regarding the development of human rights in Uganda, to look into the factors that prevent broadcast media from trying to report on these issues there, and to look into the connection between broadcast media and the human rights situation in the Kashenshero town council Mitoma district. The study used a media systems interdependence paradigm, which contends that access to information impacts people's cognition, emotions, and behavior. There were 178 participants in the study consisting 8 sub-county administrators, 14 politicians, 8 parish pastors, 40 village leaders, 82 area citizens, 6 Ruhinda FM journalists, and 20 members of the civil society group. Data from Kashenshero sub county officials, civil organizations, political leaders, and cluster sampling on journalists of Ruhinda fm were gathered using purposeful sampling. Data was gathered, analysed, and recorded using statistical software, and the results were displayed as tables with frequency and percentages using SPSS and STATA. The results of the study showed that broadcast media has an impact on the promotion of human rights in Uganda and that there was a negative relationship between the two variables. The study recommends that total freedom of the press is a fundamental human right. Authoritarian of the media seems to hinder the operations of the press to, mass media should be objective, fair and accurate for these are the ethical issues in their operations of which they should abide, by these the credibility and confidentiality in the media will be enhanced.